In Key Stage 1 we provide children with logins to Times Table Rockstars and DB Primary. In the event of isolating, we also signpost parents and carers to The Oak National Academy, White Rose Maths and Classroom Secrets. Information about each of these platforms can be found here.
Virtual Library! Please click on the picture below to be taken to a virtual library where you can click and book and be read to!
Remote Learning Websites

Oak National Academy (Click for link)
Oak National Academy is an online classroom made by teachers, for teachers. Their free, high-quality video lessons and resources are available throughout 2020/21. There are nearly 10,000 lessons and resources which cover a wide range of subjects, from Early Years Foundation Stage to Year 11. They have specialist lessons covering a wide range of learning areas and therapies. In the 'classroom' each lesson is an hour-long. They’re delivered by a teacher, with a pre-recorded video as well as quizzes, worksheets and creative activities. It’s all easy to use, there’s no login or password, you can access our lessons on any device, and pupils only need materials they can find at home. The website can be accessed here:

White Rose Maths (Click for link)
Now that schools are reopening, children will be reunited with their friends and teachers at last. Of course, we’re still some distance from ‘business as usual’ in schools, but White Rose Maths will very happily carry on helping you support your child to enjoy and master maths both in school and at home. We’ll continue to produce daily ‘home learning’ lessons for Years 1-9. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child complete the activity successfully. Please click the 'White Rose Maths' title above to be taken to their home learning page.

Classroom Secrets (Click for link)
Classroom secrets is used by our teachers to support learning in KS2. They have also produced home learning packs and activities for free. These can be found here or by clicking the 'Classroom Secrets' title above:
Additional Ongoing Learning

Times Table Rockstars (click for link)
When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations. Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help students master the times tables! To be a Times Table Rock Star you need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 3 seconds! World famous rock musicians are the best at what they do because they've spent hours practising guitar chords, writing music or playing on the drums. It's just the same with times tables – all Times Table Rock Stars need to practise and practise and practise. It's essential that your child does a little bit of times table practice every night. Short bursts of daily practise are more effective than spending hours once a week. And this is where you come in. For your child to be fully motivated and for them to get the best out of the practice, they need your help. Without your praise and your reminders, without you sitting down next to them or checking their work, practising times tables will not feel important to your child. Your child will have a login and password given to them at school so that they can access it at home. It can be accessed via an app or online
DB Primary (Click for link)
DB Primary is an online educational resource used by schools across the UK. It's an excellent tool for enriching our curriculum by using the videos and activities within lesson time - whether it's English, Maths, Science or Computing. Every child at Wood Ley has their own access to our DB Primary hub. They can use DB Primary both in school and at home. Each child at Wood Ley is given a DB Primary 'Passport', which gives them their username and password for the website. It is important that they memorise their passwords and do not share them with anyone else - including their friends at school. To access the website at home, your child will need to go to: Other features include a blog, where children can write posts about any topic they wish, and a messaging service where they can send messages to their school friends. It is not possible for children to send messages to anyone they do not know and all messages and blog posts are monitored to ensure that all children are safe.