School Gallery
Harvest Festival
Our new garden area
The Children enjoyed a day learning all about forces with a visit from STEAMco. Parents joined their children for a workshop in the afternoon where their rockets were launched on the school field. One even landed on the school roof! What a great time we had!
Art Exhibition
We launched our first art exhibition this year. It was a lovely opportunity to showcase the artistic and creative talents of our pupils. The afternoon was further enhanced by beautiful singing from the school choir.
The enterprise event organised and run by the children from years 5 and 6. It was lovely to see so many families supporting this fund raising event.
First Aid Training
A huge well done to the children who took part in the first aid training workshops. They learnt important life saving skills and went on to investigate where defibrillators could be found in our locality. Thank you to the parents for supporting this and sending us all photographs of where they can be found locally.
Construction Workshop
The children enjoyed learning about carpentry, plumbing and basic building during a construction workshop held at school. It was wonderful to hear that some of our students extended this experience by joining a Saturday morning workshop held by our visitors.