Wood Ley School is arranged with 2 foundation stage classes, 3 Key Stage 1 classes for years 1 & 2, 3 Key Stage 2 classes for years 3 & 4. We have been part of the 2 tier restructuring system in Suffolk and therefore in September 2014 we had year 5 followed by year 6 in September 2015.
Each year group follows a curriculum which builds on the skills and learning from previous years which enables every child to fulfil their potential.
Class teachers are responsible for the children’s welfare and delivery of the curriculum. Work is planned jointly, in Year Teams with close liaison, communication and support from our teaching assistant team.
During planning, Year Teams share the preparation of work, drawing on different experiences, knowledge and expertise to ensure work is relevant and well matched to meet the needs of the children. In this way, we are able to utilise the strengths of a staff team and enhance the quality of learning and teaching here at Wood Ley School.
Please click the link below which is a guide to the National Curriculum.
We value the importance of reading with your child, at school we use the Oxford Reading Tree scheme, which is a combination of high frequency word recognition and structured phonics. To support reading development we use letters and sounds combined with jolly phonics. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any questions about your child’s reading development. Look out on newsletters for information about reading and writing workshops in school.
Wood Ley Community School Curriculum
We pride ourselves in our child-centred approach to education, developing a life long love for learning is at the forefront of all that we do at Wood Ley School. We do this through fostering resilience, nurturing wellbeing and promoting our school values.
The children enjoy taking part in forest schools where they work as a team to den build, climb trees, study nature and enjoy outdoor learning.
Knowledge Organisers
We follow the National Curriculum and embrace a broad spectrum of stimulating topics. A detailed outline of the topics we teach can be seen in the curriculum topic webs section for each key stage. The topics form part of a two year rolling programme to ensure learning is new and interesting. Across the two years the topics form a broad and balanced curriculum with an emphasis on developing knowledge, skills and vocabulary. Details of this can be seen on the half termly knowledge organisers which are sent home to families to share in the learning experiences. Each topic builds upon prior knowledge , skills and experiences, which is encapsulated in our learning pathways.
Key Stage 1: Year A)
Barnaby Bear Around the World
Boats and Materials
Growing and Changing
Our Local Area
Key Stage 1: Year B)
Great Fire of London
Lower Key Stage 2: Year A)
Rivers and Coasts
Growing and Changing
Anglo Saxons
Lower Key Stage 2: ( Year B)
Digestive System
Forces and Magnets
Ancient Greeks
Upper Key Stage 2: Year A)
Islamic Empire
Crime and Punishment
Upper Key Stage 2: ( Year B)
Stone Age
North and South America
Enough for Everyone
World War 11
Earth and Space
Road Safety Officers
We have a very enthusiastic team of junior road safety officers who work in all weathers to ensure the children remain safe around the school grounds. They have enjoyed organising a successful super hero day to raise money for road safety signs and holding different competitions. We are delighted to see their achievements recognised at the junior road safety awards where the children received the gold award for the second year running.