Welcome to the key stage 1 information area.
Don’t forget to keep up to date with your child’s learning by accessing Class Dojo. We try to regularly update Class Dojo with photos and information about everything that’s happening in KS1.

Things to remember
Please check your child's class timetable for when PE kits will need to be worn. Key Stage 1 will be doing forest school this term. More information will follow!
Reading is at the heart of our school and we have made a pledge to read to your child for 10 minutes each day. We kindly ask that you reflect this at home too. Research has shown that modelled reading makes a huge impact on a child’s own ability to read, plus enthuses and promotes a love of reading. The greatest impact on a child’s language acquisition and comprehension is when they read regularly and we can see the difference this has in the classroom when this happens. We encourage the children to be responsible readers to encourage them to take charge of their reading. This might involve them reading to you, to a cuddly or even to a family pet! Your child will bring books home on Mondays, which they can keep for the week and return on Fridays. Books will then be quarantined over the weekend and new ones issued on the following Monday. The children will be able to choose a book from our KS1 library to take home over the weekend. Please return these books on a Monday.
In Key Stage one, the children will be taught phonics, as appropriate to their ability, in distinct lessons throughout the week. Children will be encouraged to use their phonic skills when writing independently. Our writing curriculum is supported through The Write Stuff and Talk for Writing. Through these approaches children are encouraged to verbalise what they would like to write before writing it down. We teach the children to use ‘chunks of sense’ i.e. to talk and therefore write in full sentences. We encourage children to write by making sure our topics are engaging and that writing is for a purpose such as responding to a letter or continuing a story.
This is the overview of maths teaching in key stage 1.
Year 1

Year 2

Here is a link to some Home Learning videos and resources that you might find helpful.