Wood Ley School works in collaboration with other schools in the locality. The following principles have been adopted , they underpin all collaborative working, irrespective of school phase or focus:
- Recognition of existing strengths, developments and interests;
- Commitment to collaboration and support;
- Open access to data and information;
- Assurance of confidentiality and trust between partners;
- High expectations for all and a willingness to embrace innovation and take risks in the interests of young people;
- Corporate accountability and responsibility;
- Commitment to the principles of best-value.
Current projects include subject leadership liaison with a focus on PSHE , ECT development ( Early Career Teacher) and EYFS ( Early Years Foundation Stage.)
Wood Ley School belongs to the Gipping Valley and Thurston Sports Partnership and works closely with Stowmarket High School to enhance sporting opportunities for our children.
Wood Ley School is embracing the Be the Best You Can Be, Olympic legacy initiative, together with our local schools.
The School works closely with Suffolk Young Carers. Please find information below: