Our Vision
Inspire, Encourage, Believe
At Wood Ley Community Primary School we empower every individual to aim high and reach further. Together, we are an enthusiastic and dedicated professional team who are committed to giving every child the best introduction to their education. We work in partnership with our community to help each person develop the skills needed to face their future and to help them become responsible citizens.
We strive to promote a learning partnership for all, involving a whole school approach. This involves all staff, parents/carers and governors working for the needs of the children.
- To promote awareness of personal and social development in a multi-cultural society where everyone feels valued.
- As a community school, create opportunities for children to be involved with parents/carers and the wider community to enhance learning experiences.
- In preparation for life experiences beyond school, we offer a wide range of cross curriculum activities and extra opportunities.
- As an inclusive school we take into account everyone’s needs and ensure the continuity and progression of children’s development and learning.
- To develop the whole child, we aspire to provide a climate in which we encourage pupils’ positive attitudes, raise self esteem, develop their confidence and foster independent learning and thinking skills.
- We recognise individuals’ achievements and celebrate positive behaviour through effective role modeling.
- As a community school we take pride and accept responsibility for our physical environment.
- To understand the importance of recycling and preserving our natural resources.
- We strive to be reflective and aim for continuous self improvement.
- To develop an understanding of the importance of a healthy life style.
- The aims of Wood Ley School will be achieved through encouraging a caring and safe environment.
- To embed the School of Sanctuary principles and ensure that everyone feels welcome in our school.
We have 6 school values. They underpin all that we do. Each half term we promote one of the values through assemblies, classroom lessons and in personal, social and health education lessons. At the end of each half term teachers nominate a member of their class who has demonstrated a good understanding of the value. We celebrate their success in an end of term assembly and the children are rewarded with a golden ticket prize.
School Values:
Autumn 1 – Self Worth
Autumn 2 – Resilience
Spring 1 – Hope
Spring 2 – Self Care
Summer 1 – Respect
Summer 2 – Optimism